Saturday, February 8, 2025

Colorado Plays

Playing in Colorado in all forms.

Gaming News

World CleanUp Day and Playing Some Raft

So, I just signed myself up to participate in World CleanUp Day on September 19, 2020. I wish I would have realized this was coming sooner, then I would have planned something a bit more fun. But, it is what it is. So, let’s do something productive!

In fact, this is a great way to start off the changing season. We have quite a few fun things planned for the next couple of months, and World CleanUp Day can work as a metaphor to “clean up” our own platform and brand.

At any rate, it’ll just be good to get out of the house for once that doesn’t involve shopping.


Ready for World CleanUp Day?

World CleanUp Day is when people around the globe dedicate the third Saturday of every September to go out and pick up some trash. It’s a laudable goal, and so much good can come from the event.

For one thing, it makes the area you live in that much nicer. How often do you step over face masks, coffee cups, and cigarette butts just by crossing the street?

And although you can just walk around and pick up trash at any time of the year, you can register to be a part of the event. I’m not really sure what registering does, aside from getting a “thank you” email.

How Are We Supporting World CleanUp Day?

If there is one thing that drives us here at ColoradoPlays, it’s volunteering. And in 2020, we really haven’t been able to do much thanks to the state of the world.

But, World CleanUp Day is something we can probably handle without suiting up.

Playing Some Raft

Raft Update Islands

When it comes to cleaning up the world, few games compare to Raft. In fact, that’s the basis of the entire game; collecting trash from the ocean to build your methods of survival.

This year, we might have a very full boat. As it stands, we may have at least five survivors, possibly more depending on what everyone is up to on Saturday.

At the bare minimum, though, there will be five of us trying not to get eaten by Bruce.

So, if you want to see a chaotic game of people trying not to push each other off and fighting over the last cooked potato, check out our ColoradoPlays Twitch channel on Saturday.

I’m not sure when we’ll be streaming, so it may be a good idea to follow our Twitter or Facebook accounts. I’ll update social media as soon as we go live or when we have a time set in stone.

Donating 100% from the Stream on Saturday

Although we don’t have a large Twitch channel, or following for that matter, we’re donating 100% of everything we make during the live stream to . That includes whatever change Twitch pays us for ad views.

I’ll even cover any PayPal fees that are accrued during the transactions.

The donations will include anything given to use by viewers, merch sales, or other direct donations during the broadcast.

Donating 100% from the Blog on Saturday

In reality, the blog makes more money that the Twitch channel does. But that’s not really saying much since we are still quite small. However, I’ll make sure that 100% of any money made on Saturday goes to

Whether it’s affiliate sales, ad revenue, or anything else generated, the entire day will be set aside for World CleanUp Day.

After all, it’s things like this why we built ColoradoPlays, to begin with.

Seeing How Much Trash We Can Gather

Before the game of Raft begins, we’ll spend some time outdoors picking up trash stretching from my house in Denver to the nearby pond. The problem is Denver is pretty good about keeping this area clean.

We’ll be hard-pressed to really find more than a single trash bag full of junk.

But, we’ll see what we can find and do our part to beautify the area. If I remember, we may even upload the experience to our YouTube channel.

Have a Safe Weekend

At least our Saturday is pretty full. I would love to make something more out of the experience, but as I said before, I didn’t know this was a thing until today.

So, for now, we’ll just do what we can and try to make a difference in the world. At any rate, it’s a great way to spend the day in Denver.

Regardless if you’re participating in World CleanUp Day or not, have a safe and fun weekend!

Michael Brockbank
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Michael Brockbank

Michael developed ColoradoPlays to help various charities through his favorite pastime. Since then, the blog and Twitch channels have donated several hundred dollars to Extra Life, Geeks of Grandeur and Operation Supply Drop, to name a few.